Those crazy Sudanese Muslims

November 30th, 2007 at 11:26am Os

So, after allowing the children in her class to name their teddy bear ‘Mohammed’, teacher Gillian Gibbons is to be jailed for 15 days for insulting religion. The school’s director, one Robert Boulos told the AP news agency this classic piece of arse-covering verbiage:

“It’s a very fair verdict, she could have had six months and lashes and a fine, and she only got 15 days and deportation.”

Oh, that’s alright then!

Naturally, the irony is that by sentencing a hard-working committed teacher over such a trivial matter, they have done far more to insult Islam, and once more cemented the idea that Muslims are, on the whole, well, really touchy.

However, now you too can own your very own Mo-Bear as listed on Ebay, so get bidding!

Just remember, this bear isn’t named after the Prophet Mohammed, the illiterate camel salesman with a penchant for pre-pubescent girls and killing men, women and children. No, not the Mohammed who heard voices from invisible pixies, murdered indiscriminately and some of whose followers also have a fondness for blowing shit up, usually themselves and anyone around them.

No, not that Mohammed.

That would be an insult to teddy bears!


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Entry Filed under: Nut Jobs,Politics,Rants,Religion

1 Comment

  • 1. Ryan  |  November 30th, 2007 at 8:19 pm

    I cant believe how much they effect our lifes yet the slightest thing we do that has connections with their stupid religion someone really suffers for it. We need to start killing some Muslims for selling drugs, credit card fraud etc I personally know some. Lets behead them!

    Come on am up for it. Sick bastards following religions written by men who wanted to control and brainwashed people who are still naive and have the minds of cavemen.


November 2007

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